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Rev. Biodun Fatoyinbo founder of Common Wealth of Zion Assembly (COZA) has been asked to step down and vacate his position as the leader of the church following allegation of rape by Busola Dakolo, a professional photographer when she was a teenager. Fatoyinbo denied allegation and this has generated condemnations by Nigerians and ignited protests to COZA churches in Abuja and Lagos.

Women Radio 91.7 spoke with Nigerian Women on the allegations.

Rev. Biodun Fatoyinbo

Bukky Shonibare is the co-convener of #churchtoomovement organisers of protest marches to COZA Churches in Abuja & Lagos. Shonibare said marches were triggered by the allegation of rape levelled by Busola Dakolo. According to her “this is one accusation too many and our purpose was to pass the message that thorough investigation of sexual misconduct perpetrated by the COZA lead pastor, Biodun Fatoyinbo, should be conducted; and while that is going on he should step aside to avoid bias. Shonibare said considering that members of a church leadership will logically not want to pronounce their Pastor guilty, it is imperative for Nigeria to consider a regulatory (external) body that is saddled with the responsibility of ensuring human rights abuse, such as rape and sexual misconduct, are purged from the church through sanctions and other punitive measures. According to Shonibare, “justice must be served and until such regulatory body pronounce such Pastor innocent or ‘clean’ enough, he should not be allowed to lead the flock” She further stressed that CAN or PFN do not seem to have this mandate to ensure control and regulation, perhaps their mandate can be extended or a new body formed with such powers.

Dr. Abiola Akiyode of WARDC and a member of Feminists group Nigeria who led the Abuja protest to COZA church said the “church must be free from sexual harassment, rape and violation of women’s right and that the church must respect women, be accountable and pastors are not exempted” Akiyode further said the church is supposed to be a safe heaven for all.

Josephine Effah-Chukwuma, executive director Project Alert on Violence Against Women said Nigeria cannot continue to ignore the many evil so called men of GOD are doing. She said “the Church of GOD will not be brought down but evil men in pastoral robes will be brought down”
Effah-Chukwuma asked Fatoyinbo to step aside and deal with all the sexual offences allegations against him.

Mary Ikoku of Emerge Women &
publisher Working Moms Magazine said it is “heartening to note that Busola and many other women have found the courage to speak up after such a long time, a development that has helped to overcome the unwholesome culture of silence that has encouraged the vice to flourish as predators carry on with impunity while victims are held down” Ikoku said the action of other religious leaders in speaking out is a very positive and welcoming one for the christian community and it’s leadership and she hopes that the state authorities concerned will take neccessary, swift and decisive action on this case.

Mufuliat Fijabi CEO Nigeria Women Trust Fund (NWTF) said the woman’s body is an entity and should be respected not violated in any context including religion.

Laila St Matthew-Daniel a transformational strategist & emotions coach/counsellor condemned and referenced Fatoyinbo in a video of his preaching where he said “In the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses the truth is established” Matthew- Daniel said “the truth has been established by the alleged accusations from more that 3 women!”

Janet Mba Afolabi, publisher Scroll Report expressed worrisome that allegations of rape in the church is now a growing phenomenon. She urged Women to arise and condemn this act.

A clinical psychologist Dr. Jessica Okanlawon said rape and sexual assault can have short-and long term effects on a victim’s mental health. Survivors experience flashbacks of the assault, feelings of shame, isolation, shock, confusion, guilt and are at an increased risk for developing depression, post traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and much more. Okanlawon noted that trauma can have serious impact on one’s mental health and it’s important that services and supports consider and address the trauma that many have experienced. She urged victims of sexual assault to seek counseling from licensed psychologists and therapists.

Nigerians have continued to applauded Busola Dakolo for speaking out. It is hoped that this will get other surviving Women and girls of rape and other forms of abuse and violence to be free and speak up too. Timi Dakolo Nigerian singer has urged other survivors of sexual abuse in the church to share stories of abuse and rape at #NotInMyChurch, a movement set up to find help, justice and healing.

Women Radio 91.7 is Nigeria’s only Radio station dedicated to Women and their families.

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