Breaking News: Silenced but Not Defeated: The Fight for Women’s Rights in Nigeria
    Frequently Asked Questions - Women Radio 91.7

    Frequently Asked Questions



  Frequently Asked Questions 



1. Do I have to be a female to apply?

Yes. Women Radio Centre is specifically set up to train, support and give grants to only female journalists.


2. How does Women Radio Centre define the Nigerian resident?

“Nigerian resident” is a citizen of Nigeria by birth, marriage or residency. You must be living and working in Nigeria.


3. Can I apply for the training if I do not currently reside in Nigeria?

This is a residential training for female journalist that live and work in Nigeria. You are expected to stay in our accommodation with other participants.


4. Is the training only for journalist working in traditional media?

The training is for female journalists who work in Print, Radio, Television or new media.


5. How long will it take for me to get a response from Women Radio Centre?

Only successful applicants will be contacted.


6.  How will the applicants be selected?

Applicants who are passionate and hungry to investigate, expose and report accurately under-reported female-centric issues from the woman angle will be shortlisted and considered.


7. How much would I have to pay for accommodation and feeding?

The one-week training is free and fully funded for successful applicants. Your feeding, accommodation, tuition and course materials for the duration of training will be taken care of. You will also be given allowance.


8. How much is the support that will be provided?

Grant will be provided towards work tools like laptop, recording equipment etc.


9. What do I do if I can’t upload my evidence of work done on application?

If you have difficultly uploading your document on the form, kindly send via email to


10. Can I decide to leave the accommodation provided before the training ends?

The accommodation is provided to ease stress, leaving before the end of the training would invalidate your terms of participation.


11. Who is qualified to write a recommendation letter for me?

Your work supervisor, Media practitioner or lecturer who has practised for more than 3 years and know you.


12.  How long will mentor-ship programme last for? Can I pick my mentor?

Mentoring is ongoing and based on the mentor and mentee understanding. Mentors will be assigned to participants based on skills and interest.


13. Where is the training centre located?

The training centre is located at the out-skirt of Lagos to ensure maximum concentration and the safety of the participants.

14. What is expected of me if I am selected for the training?

Participants will be required to do story projects and undergo mentorship to demonstrate lessons learnt at the training. Story projects will be published in print, broadcast on TV, Radio and new media.



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