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The Gap - Women Radio 91.7

The Gap

ONLY 17% of existing radio shows are targeted at women.

73% Women complained of unbalanced & relevant women focused  programmes on existing radio stations. They want more programmes to discuss business, money matters, politics, career, sports etc from the Woman’s perspective in addition to the usual relationship programmes.

75% did not like the contents of most of the female oriented programmes on existing radio stations. “They are prejudiced, one sided and non representative of the total woman.” “Presenters should be facilitators, not judgmental. Programmes should inspire debate and not be narrow-minded” many said.

Filling the Gap

85% Women said radio is a companion & can be a key source of information for them if the contents are relevant & are more female-centric.

77% Women said if radio programmes focus more and cover wider ranges of topics to represent a complete picture of womens’s roles and interests; listenership will increase and they will participate more.

73% Will contribute if Women are more involved in the production and presentation of programmes. Particularly Women from different backgrounds to better represent the variety of Women’s experiences, perspectives and interests.

68% Women agreed that radio can be a useful tool for women development compared to other more expensive ICTs like internet, mobile phones, etc.